Fresh application for redevelopment of former Newquay hotel

Fresh plans have been submitted to convert the former Sutherland Hotel on Mount Wise into a 31-unit aparthotel.

Blakesley Estates Ltd previously submitted an application for a 35-room, six-storey aparthotel on the site in 2023, but the company has since reduced the number of storeys.

The previous application was withdrawn in September 2023 following numerous objections, with concerns raised over the building’s height. Both Historic England and Newquay Town Council objected, citing the proposed height in comparison to the nearby St Michael's Church.

At the time, the council stated that one of the viewpoints in the application highlighted “the alarming height of the aparthotel to be in conflict with the Grade II listed church, placing it in direct competition for prominence across the wider townscape.”

In the new application, the company says consultation with various parties and the general public has led to “re-design and further development of many areas of the scheme to offer a better balance against the existing townscape of Newquay,” resulting in a reduction in height and scale. The front-facing blocks have been lowered by two storeys, specifically to address concerns regarding the visual impact on St Michael’s Church.

In addition to the 31 serviced apartments, the proposal includes parking for 32 vehicles, 16 more spaces than currently available on the site.

View the plans here.

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